Answer by hjd for iPhone Development: Get images from RSS feed
Further to my other answer, which uses some helper classes and kinda assumes you're storing stuff with Core Data, here's a pure NSXMLParser way to do it.In this example I'm assuming you have three...
View ArticleAnswer by hjd for iPhone Development: Get images from RSS feed
I've been using NSXMLParser myself and storing the results using CoreData. I use a version of Björn Sållarp's Parser class from his CoreData example code.My images end up as NSData/Binary in a SQLite...
View ArticleAnswer by Kundan Pandit for iPhone Development: Get images from RSS feed
You can visit this page is definitely going to help you.You have to just download the framework and then use in your application.To get the live data you have to...
View ArticleAnswer by Kundan Pandit for iPhone Development: Get images from RSS feed
You can also try dictionary implementation while fetching data from API call. First you have to identify xml tag that identifies images in xml document, then you can assign each image with its...
View ArticleAnswer by Remover for iPhone Development: Get images from RSS feed
it sounds like you need to first identify the xml tag that identifies the images in your xml document. you should be able to do this by typing whatever API call you're using into a browser address...
View ArticleiPhone Development: Get images from RSS feed
I am using the NSXMLParser to get new RSS stories from a feed and am displaying them in a UITableView. However now I want to take ONLY the images, and display them in a UIScrollView/UIImageView (3...
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